Friday, July 6, 2007

School's out for summer

Yeah! I'm officially on my summer holidays. I finished teaching today and left the class doing a fine rendition of "roly poly roly poly suas, suas, suas...." I think I have it captured on film. A lovely send off, every event is full of formality and tradition and this was no exception. We were given gifts and many blessings and then had a soda with all the staff.

Then we went to Adamkwame, where Denis and Colm were teaching, for their send off. The chiefs of all the surrounding areas gathered and the head chief, all in traditional garb. Again much shaking of hands and welcomes, beating of drums and dancing.

Many thanks were paid to Aidlink (and Anne officially The Queen Mother) for all the help and plans were laid out for continuing partnership and development.

Afterwards I travelled with Brother Francis to a vocational training school being funded by Irish Aid through Aidlink. It is well under construction and looks very promising that it will be a great facility into the future.

So in this area we have seen projects relating to primary, secondary and now vocational (15-18yrs) programmes in place or well on their way. This is all good work and shows Aidlink's committment to education as well as continued support to ensure sustained development.

Today is our last day in Bantama. We will be sorry to leave as we have been made feel very much at home, especially as this was Fr. Dick's home for 10 years. Tomorrow we travel an hour further north to Sunyani and will spend a few days there visiting projects.

I don't know what the computer access will be like.

Before I finish...we had a lovely evening yesterday as we attended the baptism ceremony for Fr. Dick's good friend's new baby, Theresa. She is adorable.

Love to all,



Anonymous said...

Hi Margo

We're all still surviving here in the rian and cold. Just to let you know Granny Mc's birthday party will be on Sunday the 22nd starting with mass in house at 7pm and party afterwords. Keep that date free. Hope you enjoy your trip.

"We are all friends in Jesus!"
Your loving mother Biddy!

Anonymous said...

Hi There
your little sis here... now you know what it is like to have 32 four year olds in the one room - you know what I have to put up with day in day out. You sound to be having good time plenty of different experiences.
Anyway talk again soon

Anonymous said...

Hello Margo

It is great to read your stories and here that everything is going well on your trip. It sounds like a wonderful experience and one that you'll remember for a long time. Louise told us to call in and view your diary.

Adh mór ort don chuid eile den turas,

Seán & Siubhán