Friday, July 13, 2007


on the last leg home. Today we went to a traditional market and picked up a few souvenirs. There was much bargaining but not haggling in a threatening manner. Then the awesome task of getting everything to fit in the bags...

It has been an amazing trip and it is hard to digest all that we have experienced in the last 2 weeks. It has been wonderful to share so many new experiences with such a good humoured, jovial and enthusiastic bunch of people. Everyone approached each new day head on and I think we all go home richer for participating fully. Certainly we will laugh for many a day at the "ants in the pants" episode and some of us will recall in nightmares the rope bridge....but, mostly we will carry with us memories of the people we met. A country is its people and you'd go far to meet a more gentle and welcoming race.

Thanks to Anne, Dick, Geraldine, Denis, John, Brendan and Colm.

On the whole a great trip!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great trip having read it I feel I was with you all. If ever you give up teaching you have a great future in reporting.
I'm not sure where i would have lost my bottle first the croc's or the rope ladders. Love the e-mials going to the nuns.
Fair play to you all you have left a great mark behind you and continuing the education programme in Ghana.
Great to know you are in one piece and back in Dooras.
Speak soon
Helen Kelly